Moving receiver¶
Change of site location (i.e. change of the values of geocentric
coordinates X, Y, Z during the file reading) is taken into account in
the calculation of elevation and azimuth values. Moreover, there is a
possibility to set the coordinates for required moments of time. To do
that, one should put a file with the values of time and geocentric
coordinates corresponding to them into a directory with an observation
file. Running into such a file, tecs
will read the coordinates and
changes the values of X, Y and Z for each time moment listed in the
File with coordinates¶
The name of a file with coordinates should correspond to the name of
an observation file and has an extension xyz
. For example,
Time stamp is set as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
followed by values of the
X, Y and Z (in meters) separated by spaces. The #
symbol begins a
comment. For example,
# Site: USUD
# Datum: IGS08
# datetime, x (meters), y (meters), z (meters)
2011-03-11 05:00:00 -3855263.0771 3427432.6022 3741020.3066
2011-03-11 05:00:30 -3855263.0833 3427432.6068 3741020.3148
2011-03-11 05:01:00 -3855263.0761 3427432.6020 3741020.3089